Field Workers - Soul Originals

Apple Pickers  11

April 17, 1956

Reds, Yellows, Greens, Pinks

May 15

April 8 (or 18), 1956 

Yellows, Pinks, Greens, Blues


In the Fields 14

April 18, 1956

Greens, Yellows, Reds, Blues, Grays

In the Field   12

April 17, 1956

Blues, Greens, Yellow, Grays, Whites, Soft Reds

The Planters 7

April 16, 1956

Greens, Blues, Golds

Pickers   73

May 10,1956

Pinks, Greens, Blues, Yellows

Flower Girl  78

May 21,1956

Blues, Purples, Greens, Pinks,Yellows

The Planters    7

May 14, 1956

Pinks, Yellows, Blues, Greens