
This section displays various paintings in oils. Photos in black & white are the oldest and are tragically lost. Paintings depicted in color photos still exist.

Moses (official title unknown)

Subject: Talmudic study

Man in tallis benching (blessing) lulav and esrog

The artist in front of her paintings. The painting on the far right is a depiction of her older brother, Jack, a"h. 1950s?

The artist's other brother, Joe Joe, posed in front of his sister's paintings. L'Chaim!

This painting, as most of the collection, was lost. It depicts the artist

in chains, surrounded by doves and cherubs. She is suspended between images of her husband and former husband. Title: Faith and Hope (?)

In the foreground stands her brother, Jack Breitman, a"h. Compare the likeness of her brother to the painting shown in the two previous images.

The artist at work. This painting can also be seen in the previous image, behind her brother Jack, a"h.

The artist posing with some of her paintings.

Rainy street scene. B&W damaged photo. The 2nd image is recolored for effect.

Painting of violinist Jerry Widoff in action.

Mr. Widoff is seated in the foreground. 1950s?

The artist's studio, Manhattan, circa 1940s or early 1950s. Oils on cardboard.

The mirror in center of painting reflects image of the artist's easel.

Portrait of sculptor Jacob Epstein's niece. Circa 1940s? Oils on cardboard. Damaged.

Still life. Circa 1940s? Oils on cardboard. Damaged.

Baba Sali (Rav Yisrael Abuchatzeira)  z'tl

The Chasunah (Hebew/Yiddish: Wedding)

Miriam dancing at the Re(e)d Sea (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

Beruriah  (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

For information on the tragic death of Beruriah see: 

Lee, Hindishe. "Beruriah: The Final Act." Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal 16.1 (2019).

An image of the painting is featured at the beginning of the article.

The Prophet Samuel anointing David (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

This painting might be an "unfinished" work.

The Chofetz Chaim z'tl   (Image on right brightness enhanced.) 

The Lubavitcher Rebbe z'tl  (Image on right brightness enhanced.) 

The Zeidi ("Grandfather" - Yiddish)    (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

Jew praying at the Kotel ("Wailing Wall") (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

The Shabbos Queen (Title? Image on right brightness enhanced.)

Portrait of the artist's brother, Joseph (Joe Joe) Breitman A"H (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

Daughter Hindishe as a child.

Daughter Hindishe as a child. The top of the painting has been damaged. (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

Daughter Hindishe (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

Daughter Hindishe (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

Daughter Hindishe

Daughter Hindishe in fencing gear (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

Landscape with UFO orb (Image on right brightness enhanced.)


Self-Portrait (Paint chipped. Image on right - brightness enhanced.)


Still life (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

Still life  (Image on right brightness enhanced.)

Still life (paint chipped)

Still life (1950s?) (Image on right brightness enhanced)

Still life - flowers with Tehilim (Psalms book) & siddur (Jewish prayer book). (Image on right color enhanced.)

Early years - Still life on cardboard

One of the earliest paintings

The artist (background) and daughter in a field of flowers. Small painting.

Moshe Rabeinu with the luchot (Moses with the Tablets of the Law).

Note the inclusion of tephilin shel rosh  (head phylacteries).

Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet)  Note the head phylacteries.  (Image on right brightness enhanced.) 

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